Saturday, May 21, 2011

Shabbat Shalom!

It is midday on Saturday as I write, and I am definitely breaking the Sabbath by using the computer.  The past 36 hours have not gone very much as planned.  Mom is sick with a very bad cold or flu, and has been in bed for the last two days.  John and I spent yesterday doing walking tours of Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives, and then Coretta led us on a walking tour of her own to go to Shabbos dinner with her friends.  By the end of the night, we'd walked a solid 9 hours!  Surely that's a biblical experience...

The walking tour was full of amazing information, but I'm not sure I have time to go into it right now.  I'm feeling a bit strange about this trip.  I think I expected to have some kind of life-changing or earth-shattering emotions/thoughts/experiences, but so far I feel mostly like a tourist.  I'm learning a lot about the history here, and seeing things in a new way that I am sure will help be become a better biblical interpreter, but I feel more like a student of history than a pilgrim.  Perhaps I need to spend more time in devotional prayer, and perhaps I should also lower my expectations!  ;-)

Shabbos was lovely last night.  There was a lot of singing, and delicious food, and good theological talk.  Coretta's just gotten here to take us on a new journey, though, so more on that later.

Shabbat Shalom! 

1 comment:

  1. Maybe not "lower" expectations, just change them. This is a journey, remain blessed!
