Monday, May 16, 2011

Joys and Concerns

So, I woke up and checked my email, as I do as a postmodern smartphone addict, and I found this article:

Yeah.  So, there's a new conflict that has arisen in Israel.  Well, a new flare-up of a very old conflict.  Selfishly, I hope it ends very quickly, so that by the time we get there tomorrow, things will be safer.  I also hope, though, that for the sake of moving things forward, it might spark another round of talks, rather than another round of violence.  It could easily go either way.  I welcome your prayers!

Freaked out by waking up to this news, I called Mom.  She said she was still ready to go, saying that if it was our time to go, then we'd just as likely be hit by a bus in the states as be hit by a bomb in Israel.  This was not very comforting for me.  But then I got the following email from a missionary we've connected with there and will meet on Monday:

The type of violence that you saw yesterday on TV is in specific places that we evade... Come to Israel and Palestine without concerns and with joy!
[his name]

With joy!!  I will go with joy and hope!  And so now I must sleep so that I will be joyous and not cranky tomorrow.

Shalom, y'all.

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